Nature Writing Course / by Sarah Deller

I recently participated in the Granta nature writing course, which has just finished. It was so amazing to dedicate time each week to improving my craft and to expand my ideas of what nature writing is and can be. I’ve got some exciting nature writing projects coming up, and I’m also trying to think about how I’d like to use this site to continue nature writing — and other writing — in the future. Will I post short pieces here? I’m not sure. For now, here’s some pictures from a hike in Somerset. I chose this walk, from Nether Stowey to Watchet, after I learnt Coleridge, Dorothy, and William Wordsworth made a similar journey that culminated in Coleridge’s decision to write The Ryme of the Ancient Mariner. I didn’t have much time in Watchet itself, but I loved the town and would love to return to the area. I really associate the Lake District with the Romantics, so it was a wonderful surprise to learn of the Somerset connection.

After so much time nature writing, it feels bland to write this as a boring blog post, but as I say, I haven’t decided yet what purpose I want this page of my website to serve, and since I’m in the habit of brief, soulless updates here, it feels hard to shake the pattern. Needless to say, it was not a soulless walk.